Wednesday, January 29, 2014

01292014 - Wednesday

A. Sumo dead lift 5x3 ascending - 135, 225, 315, 375, 375

B. EMOM 10 - 3 muscle ups easy with these 

C. 4 rounds rest 2x between 
25 cal AD sprint
20 wall balls
15 ghd sit-ups
1:57, 1:58, 1:58, 2:05

Felt good today

01282014 - Tuesday

A.  EMOM x 8:00 2 hpc + push press 225

B. OH Lunges 5x4 worked up to 155

C. 3 rnds:
15 burpees
15 dead lift 115
15 s2oh 115
45 du

D. 15 rounds
:20 row sprint/ :40 rest

9 < this number is being used to test something that I am working on. More to come later

Side note started using the BCAA by BSN for pre and during the workouts and really love it. I feel like my energy stays constant.

Monday, January 27, 2014

01272014 - Monday

A. Hang power snatch x 2 - form work

B. 7RM HBBS - 305

C.  Max Rep HSPU - 19

D.  AMRAP 16 
 300m row
5 squat clean 155
7 box jump 30
9 chest to bar

5 rnds + cleans